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The Parrots of South America

The Parrots of South America

by Rosemary Low

Publisher: John Gifford, 1st ed.,1972

ISBN-10: 0707100631

ISBN-13: 978-0707100630

290 pages

This volume is a complete review of the parrots of South America by a noted authority.

America has a greater number of parrot species (using Peters’ classification, 144, as opposed to 189 for the rest of the world) than any other continent, although the birds do not show such a diversity of form as do those from Australia, for example. The majority are found in the northern part of South America but they actually range from south-eastern Arizona in the USA, where the Thick-billed Parrot occasionally appears in the pine forests, to Tierra Fuego, in the southernmost part of South America, where the Magellan Conure is found.

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